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<h2 style="text-align: center;">9" SCUBA DIVING STAINLESS STEEL FIXED BLADE KNIFE Survival Hunting Serrated</h2>
<p><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt; color: #0000ff;">Specifications</span></p>
<li>440 Stainless steel construction</li>
<li>Overall length: 9"</li>
<li>Blade length: 4.5"</li>
<li>Handle length: 4.5"</li>
<li>One side is half-serrated with gut hook</li><li>Rubber handle for better grip</li>
<li>Impact resistant, quick release ABS sheath</li>
<li>Adjustable rubber leg or arm straps</li>
This diving knife and sheath combo are perfect for diving. It's all stainless steel construction prevents corrosion of the blade and handle while a leg/arm strap and snap in sheath keeps your diving knife safely at your side. A partially serrated blade allows for easy underwater cutting. A great durable diving knife is essential to any diver. <br>
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<h4>ABOUT US</h4>
At Ace Martial Arts, our staff members are carefully trained to recognize that each order is not JUST a package to be shipped - each order comes from the most important part of any transaction: the customer.<br><br>We placed our contact/location information on our heading, and many other places in order ensure that we are easy to reach, should anyone need to speak to us regarding their order.<br><br>Although online prices are less than what can be seen in stores and department stores, we do not want to cut back on the services. We want to still offer friendly and sincere service from our carefully trained men and women devoted to customer service. So please, take advantage of their availability so we can deliver the service you deserve.We are not just a shadow hidden behind some virtual email, we have an actual physical store with people working to provide the best service.<br><br>Furthermore, our physical location allows for local pickups or exchanges if you require such services. You can just come and pick up or exchange your order if you live in the local vicinity.<br><br><strong>207 N. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004 - - (213) 252 - 1900</strong> - - Please visit our eBay About Us page.</td>
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There are two steps for all orders: <strong>[1] Processing time</strong> (1-5 business days) and <strong>[2] Shipping time</strong> (1-7 business days). Please remember to add both when estimating when you should receive your item. All orders are shipped with UPS, USPS, or FedEx. The shipping for your order will be selected accordingly. <br>
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<td valign="top"><br>Any updates are sent automatically by eBay's message system. Please check both your emails and eBay's order summary pages for shipping updates.<br><br>We are unable to ship to PO Boxes, military, and/or other USPS-only locations.<br><br>The image to the left shows shipping estimates for step <strong>[2] Shipping time</strong> of your order. Please remember to add 1-5 days of order processing time. Please purchase a faster shipping speed if your order needs to be expedited to avoid complications.</td>
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Payments through paypal are accepted. Please use Paypal's transfer feature to place funds into your paypal account from your bank, and select paypal as the payment option when you are ready to make your purchase in eBay.<br><br>All payments must be submitted upon time of purchase. We may give you a call prior to shipment if we have to confirm your payment/address/shipment/etc.<br><br>Tax: In the state of California, state law stipulates that we charge 8.75% (2011) as sales tax for orders shipped to any California addresses.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but international orders are not accepted at this time.</td>
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We pride ourselves in offering blue-ribbon customer service, but please carefully review our terms in the shipping section, payment section, returns section, and also in this section. For orders with multiple auctions, you are eligible to receive shipping discount that is automatically applied by eBay. eBay should automatically calculate this amount/discount if you place all items in your cart prior to purchase. Items with free shipping are not elibible for shipping discount.<br><br>We reserve the right to cancel your bid/order if we encounter any problems during the processing. Please be ready to communicate with us if we have any questions/updates about your order. Therefore, please keep your emails and phone numbers updated on your eBay account. After confirmation of payment, products are normally shipped within 1-5 business days. Bidding on our listing pages means you agree to purchase the item for the final bid price if you win the auction. We follow all eBay rules, so please follow their policies. If you should have any questions prior to purchase, please email or call us and we will be happy to respond.<br><br><strong>Legal Disclaimer of Liability</strong> - By purchasing or bidding for this item, the buyer agrees with the following: You cannot purchase this item if you are under 18 years of age! It is your responsibility to maintain that you are of legal age to purchase. We are not responsible for any damages/injuries resulting from misuse of these items. Our knives/swords/weapons are for collection/decoration and outdoor/survival/hunting uses only. Thanks for reading!</td>
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If you feel we deserve a negative feedback, please give us a call so that we may have a chance to earn your satisfaction.
<li>Please be sure all order information is included in the box (order number, email, etc).</li>
<li>Please include a phone number we can reach you at to discuss the return, should we have any questions.</li>
<li>A restocking fee will be applied for all non-defective item returns.</li>
<li>All packages must be in their original packaging to be elibible for return.</li>
<li>Shipping/handling fees are not refundable if your item is eligible for refund.</li>
<li>If any defective items are returned, the item will be checked. If indeed defective and the buyer agrees, a reshipment will be sent right away.</li>
We'd like to help process your return/refund/exchange as quick as possible, please visit our website, click "Help", and find the page titled "Click here for refunds" or "Click here for exchanges". This online form will help us process your request significantly quicker.<br><br> We are very sorry for the inconvenience if you received a <strong>defective item</strong>. Please contact us right away via email/phone so we can address your issue immediately. Please understand that a damaged item may be because of manufacturer defect or shipping defect, neither of which we have control over. Please email/call so we can fix the problem.</td>
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